A comic story inspired by the picture series featuring Sissy and Marley. Marley’s a 23-year-old man still living at home without a job. When his mother takes away his internet, he’s forced to leave the house in search of ways to find his fetishistic extremes. He recruits Sissy, who reluctantly agrees to act out what he’s used to viewing with others, and even let him experience some for himself. He learns a lesson about the difference between seeing fringe fetishes on a screen, and what real life is like. Erotic comedy. A furry catboy with a bunny girl porn comic by Jay Naylor.2023-07-07创建 共1.5W
共2章 -
Chapter 1
热度:5.4K 更新时间:2023-07-07 -
Chapter 2
热度:7.7K 更新时间:2023-07-07
- Superhero Image Sets (Various)
Various parody image sets by Leandro Comics.
- Naruto Pixxx
A collection of various artworks based on Naruto.
- Images Sets And Artworks (Various)
Various images set based on various cartoons by various artists! Artists include Chesare, Sanchez and more.
- Comics and Artwork
Artworks and comics parodies based on various TV shows, movies, cartoon and more by GoGoCeleb.
- Comics and Galleries (Various)
Various comics and galleries based on various cartoons by CartoonZa.
- Hinata’s Addiction (Boruto)
A MILF mother and shota incest parody porn comic by BurgersN’Shakes.
- As Patricinhas
A porn comic translated to English. Made by CameraCaseira.
- Artworks, Pinups And More
Random artwork by Andrew Tarusov.